Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle by Fowzia Madar


Sunday, 27 April 2014

New beauty buys

1.Accessorize fibre lash 2.Gosh simply red lip liner 3.B eyeshadow in elfin 4.Acesorize polish coral flair 5.Rimmel scandel eyes 6.B lipgloss in poppy

Hello people!,

So Im back up north from my easter break and I thought I would post some things I got in Birmingham.Firstly the coach from Bristol takes around 6 hours ( I know ) but this time I had a 3 hour waiting time in Birmingham so I was able to check out bullring.I have to say I've been there before but wow I've fallen in love with the place and city , I dont know what it is about Birmingham but it felt homely. Maybe because it a bit like Bristol but the shops are just amazing! So guys you need to get down to superdrug all accessorize and B make up are all half price which is perfect when I need new everything.

Overall all the products I bought were all realy good in the quality department, the eyeliner was a pleasent surprise, the tip is so easy for doing cat eyes and doesn't budge after a good sweat session.The lipgloss is one of my new favorite products its the perfect consistancy, not too opaque or sheer and is realy good for building coverage.Plus it smells amazing too.I dont think you can tell in the picture but the eyeshadow is a gold metalic colour which is my favorite eyeshadow to wear daily.And guys in a few days it going to be may ahhh!

love you all,

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thanks for reading




  1. That gloss is fabulous indeed! Love it. Looks like you got some amazing stuff!

    Diary of a Debutante

  2. Hello dear,
    How are you? I just found your blog and it looks really fun and honest:):)
    After a long break I am back to blogging, just this time I am located in London. I am so excited and happy to be back. I really like your blog and you seem like such a lovely person. By any chance you would like to stay in contact?:) Write me either on my blog, on facebook or via email. I would love to make new blogging friends!!
    With love,


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