Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle by Fowzia Madar


Friday, 19 August 2016

5 Ways To Overcome Blogging Hurdles

Do you ever feel creatively stuck? that your blog/social media/website isn't growing fast enough or as fast as others?. I remember I would browse through blogs for hours with the same questions running through my mind: 'I wish I had that many followers'  'Her site looks so professional mine could never look like that'. And I realised the more I focused on someone's blog the less attention I gave to my own. In the past I suffered from comparison syndrome ( not the real term) in everyday life I would focus so much on the achievements of others I lost sight of my own talents, and this could also happen in the blogger world. We are now a part of a growing community that Is full of amazing creative individuals who's fashion and ideas are just a click away, so it could be easy to fall into compare mode. But one thing that I realise is that those bloggers who excel, work their butts off to put out consistent content and deserve every inch of their success. So here I've listed 5 ways I've overcome my own hurdles within the blogging world.

Improve your blogging skills
This is something I'm still working on now and something I really struggled with in the past. Whether its codes or blog design or even adding certain page element to your blog there is someone out there who has the answers(youtube helped me a lot). I went back to basics by researching ways to improve my blog, here are some resources that I found really useful:
The was a game changer for me, ProBlogger is a blog by Darren Rowse that is purely to help you improve your blog and gain followers and skills to help you grow. I listen to his podcasts where he walks you step by step on how to engage readers and improve your blog.
Kotryna is a web designer, blogger and creative entrepreneur. Her goal is to help bloggers improve their skills and she offer free e-books and tools that every blogger needs. Check out her Website for a huge range of helpful blogger related resources.

Tiffanny is a pioneer when it comes to creativity, getting confidence to be yourself online and push boundaries. After I listen to her Podcasts and I feel so fired up and inspired, she gives such great advice on blogging and making your own business.

Don't have the money? Don't worry

I remember when I was first starting out as a blogger I was about to start performing arts school and couldn't afford the latest DSLR or template, and I thought that I couldn't grow but I'm here to tell you there are many free resources bloggers can use to improve their blog. Some web designers offer free templates if you sign up with their mailing list which you can find Here. Also this is something I've only recently discovered Etsy has a huge range of wordpress and blogger templates that are very cheap and the owners offer free service to help install your template, here are a few that I found:

Fearne Creative

Vefio Themes

FabFleur Studio

Ask Yourself
A great way to improve your blog is to ask yourself 'What do I like about their blog' not comparing but as a observation. Is it the design of their blog? the writing style? unique take on fashion? or how they engage with their readers. One of the biggest reasons I admire a blogger is their honesty, when they have enough balls to be vulnerable and share personal stories that make me feel connected to their content. So I decided that is something I am going to work on. So the next time you see a blog look at it objectively, why is it successful? then you can start applying the same tools to your own blog.
Don't Compare
I can not tell you how many times I would land on a blog then immediately check how many followers or views they had before I would even read the content!and this would transfer to all other types of social media. After I listened to various creative podcasts I realised I was wasting time that could be used to improve my own skills. Another thing for me is the need to be perfect, sometimes I think I don't look 'perfect' enough to blog. Yet some of my favourite bloggers scream to the roof tops about how not perfect they are and share their flaws freely, but I tell myself I can't do the same (crazy right? ).So I now am going start sharing my flaws more because I'm not perfect and that's okay. Also there is one important thing I want you to remember: The more you compare yourself to others the less you realise how awesome you truly are.
You're not like everyone else
So you don't fit in with normal 'Society' expectations? Great! You don't look like the biggest instagrammer/blogger/youtuber? Perfect! I don't want you to ever feel bad about not conforming to the 'norm' when it comes to blogging, and I don't want you to hold yourself back from doing something you love out of fear, because I can say from first hand experience you deserve to be who you want and deserve to be happy.The bloggers I admire aren't 'tumblr' worthy or have size zero bodies but they stand up for what they believe in and are okay with it. You don't have to be a carbon copy of someone else to be successful or to feel worthy, no matter what ANYONE tells you.
These are some things I've learnt after years blogging, I hope you find it helpful, I know I'm not a professional but hopefully by sharing my own experience I can help someone who can relate. 
Thanks for reading!


  1. Will take a look at the things you have mentioned. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Great tips!


  3. Great tips, many are new to me! Thank you :)
    ♡ Kristina

  4. I loved this post, so many useful tips. My favorite one was "Don't compare your blog with others" which is very true, you have to remember that these things don't happen over time- as long as you are having fun that's all the matters!
    xoxo, Simona and Indre

  5. This is a great post! Thanks for writing this and linking to those websites.

    eBelle in Black and White


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