Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle by Fowzia Madar


Monday, 28 August 2017

Ootd : Summer Embroidery

Coat: Monki Top: New look Jeans: Topshop Bag: Topshop Boots: New look
Hope you are all well, So I'm back with an outfit post which consists of (mostly) items I found in the summer sales. This summer I've been blessed by having an performing job which allows me to travel the U.K so I've been able to check out all the sales in different cities. Whilst in Leeds I was lucky enough to bag these jeans for £30 from £59 ( yippee!) I've been dying for some high quality embroidered jeans but all the ones I found were quite expensive, so when I found these beauties I was over the moon. And the top was only £6 which was perfect because I've recently become obsessed with off the shoulder tops.
For me I usually don't have any luck with Topshop sales normally the size isn't right but this year Topshop has been good to me , really good to me I mean I could have done some serious damage but stayed strong because I knew impulse cheap buy doesn't always work. I've got to say the sales this year for me have been amazing there's so much sizes available and the pieces were very on trend and weather appropriate. Have you had much success with sales this year?
Thanks for reading!

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