Fashion, Beauty, Lifestyle by Fowzia Madar


Friday, 15 September 2017


Guys!!! it's here, we have been saved praise Jesus!. Rihanna's new beauty line has launched and the internet (me included) has gone crazy. Now a quick disclaimer I'm not one to jump on a hype waggon especially celebrity make up brands, because they're normally hard to get a hold of and they're always sold out. But then Rihanna comes along and all the rules are thrown out the window, first her campaign has the most diverse models I've ever seen ever second she launched with 40 foundation shade something that's unheard of in the beauty industry. The fact that she included such pale and dark shades is the main reason I bought these products, I don't even wear foundation but I felt it was important to support her brand. I decided to go for the gloss bomb luminizer in fenty glow and the killawatt freestyle highlighter in Trophy wife, both did not disappoint!

Killawatt highter: Trophy Wife

 Now this product was one of the most highly anticipated of the entire line, and as soon as I swatched it I realised why. Pigment, Pigment, Pigment! I have never seen colour pay off like this in a highlighter, when I bought this I had the sudden urge to book a holiday to Dubai and just be golden in the sun. What is great is how little product you need, this highlighter will last a VERY long time also the shimmer is beautiful on the whole eyelid not just the inner corner. This product truly lives up to the hype, if you're worried it won't match your skin tone I would suggest this as an eye shadow also they're more highlighters available Here .

Gloss Bomb Luminizer: Fenty Glow

Where do I start? colour: check, Applicator: check, Smell: check , everything about this gloss is perfect, I mean I've been living in liquid lipstick land for the last 2 years but thing are a changing!. The concept is meant to be a universal shade for every skin tone and after watching my 200th review on youtube it seems to be true. Its  just so effortless I mean for me I don't need lipliner with this gloss, I'm so used to using multiple products for 1 lip look but with this its just apply and go.

Thanks for reading!



  1. I am so excited by the Fenty beauty range! The trophy wife highlighter looks INSANE!!!!

    Zeynab x
    The Beauty Load

  2. I would love to try the highlighter, it looks so pretty and pigmented x

  3. That gloss sounds really good, I first heard someone talking about it the other day on Insta stories and since then I've been so intrigued!

    Julia // The Sunday Mode

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